April Egg-citement!

Why We Love Easter
What a gorgeous time of year! Easter is almost here and we will certainly be enjoying it! School holidays are around the corner, and we are looking forward to time outside in the sunshine.
Big or small, I’m sure an Easter egg hunt is on the cards – be it an organised hunt, or in your home or garden. Who doesn’t love hunting for eggs, especially when they’re chocolate?
For those who are trying to be ‘good’, why not hide our snack pots for a naturally sweet treat? Enjoy the fun without the guilt!
You can find our deliciously convenient snack pots at Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, and Waitrose .
Baked For The Memories
Baking can be so nostalgic – the whiff of something baking in the oven can take us straight back to Mum or Grandma making treats for all the family. Do you remember eating Butterfly Cakes as a child? We loved them – so we’ve recreated the recipe here for you to bake at home.
For the cupcakes – makes 10
- 200g Nature‘s Finest Mandarins – drained with the juice kept to one side
- 110g butter, softened
- 110g caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 110g self-raising flour
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tbsp Nature‘s Finest Mandarin juice, and 1/2 tbsp milk
For the buttercream
- 160g butter, softened
- 270g icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp of Nature‘s Finest Mandarin Juice

Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a cupcake tin with 10 cases. To make the sponge, tip the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, flour, baking powder, juice, and milk into a large mixing bowl and beat with either a hand whisk or electric mixer until smooth, pale and combined! Pour in the mix half-way up each case and bake for 15 mins until golden brown and test the middle of a few cakes by inserting a toothpick (or similar) into the middle – if it comes out clean, they’re done. Leave the cakes on a wire rack to cool.
While the cakes are cooling, make the buttercream by beating together the icing sugar, butter, vanilla extract and juice until pale and fluffy.
Once the cakes are cool, use a sharp knife to slice off the tops, and cut them in half. Pipe or spread the buttercream on top of the cakes, then gently push two semi-circular halves of the tops into the buttercream on each cake, doing this at an angle to look like butterfly wings. You can serve the cupcakes at this stage or decorate them with a little blob of jam or a juicy mandarin segment in the centre and finish with a scattering of sprinkles if you want to be super creative.

Our King Of Fruits
It has been almost 86 years since the UK celebrated the Coronation of a King, which, for all you history buffs, was King George VI on the 12 May 1937. He came to the throne after his brother King Edward VIII abdicated so that he could spend every day with the love of his life, Wallis Simpson.
It’s well known that the royal household regularly finishes a meal with fruits and so we thought this was a perfect occasion to celebrate our “King of Fruits” – the Mango!
Our special celebration pots are in stores this month, and here are just a few of the reasons why the Mango is treasured worldwide:
🥭 They contain undisputable health benefits, containing over 20 different vitamins and minerals
🥭 The oldest living mango tree is thought to be 300 years old, is found in Central India, and the ancient plant still produces fruit today
🥭 The Guinness Book of World Records confirms the heaviest mango ever grown was in Colombia in 2021 and weighed a whopping 4.25kg. How did the family celebrate their record-breaking success? – they ate it!
🥭 You don’t have to worry about growing your own delicious record-breaking Mango, as we take care of that for you.…Nature’s Finest Mango is perfectly prepared and ready to eat, with no stone! You can find our pots of this amazing fruit in Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and Morrisons.
May-king of a Monarch!
The nation is eagerly anticipating the Coronation of King Charles III, as well as the extended bank holiday weekend! Alongside planning lots of fun, here are a few things it might be handy to know…
King Charles III is 74 years old and the oldest monarch ever crowned in British history, having been heir apparent since he was three years old – that’s what you call ‘a delay’!
Charles was the first member of the royal family to earn a degree, and is a qualified diver and helicopter pilot
The King loves to enjoy granola and plums from his own garden for breakfast!
He can speak Welsh
King Charles is considered one of the UK’s most successful living artists, and his pictures have sold at auction for over £1.5M, although he modestly says he is just an “enthusiastic amateur”
You know how much we love all things tasty and healthy (okay, and a bit of chocolate now and then – but who doesn’t?). We’ve been thin-KING how to make your Coronation celebrations the ‘Talk of the Crown!’ – all puns intended… and in our next issue we will share our ideas with you.
Your fruit team x
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